Thursday, May 2, 2024
11.5 C

Tag: Currency

Lama Visa cards facilitate the conversion of digital currencies into legal tender and their use worldwide

Visa cards are distributed to customers of the digital currency exchange platform "Lama." Both physical and virtual cards allow for instant conversion of digital currencies into legal tender and can be used anywhere Visa cards are accepted. The cards come with unique benefits, such...

Record Breaking Number of Bitcoin Transactions

The popular digital currency, Bitcoin, witnessed a significant surge in the number of financial transactions during the first week of May 2021, with almost 380,000 transactions taking place daily. These record numbers highlight the importance and usefulness of Bitcoin in the digital world and...

Research Supports the Emergence of Digital Currency as a Future Investment Option

The popularity of cryptocurrencies has increased in recent times and investors are now interacting with them as an excellent investment option, as evidenced by the latest research which shows a desire among millennials to invest in these kinds of assets without resorting to traditional...

Will the US dollar lose its status as a reserve currency?

Last week, Jeffrey Tucker, CEO of the American Institute for Economic Freedom, spoke about the potential loss of the US dollar's status as a reserve currency in the future, with digital dollars serving as a replacement. Additionally, a Russian official spoke about "liberating from...

The financial regulator in New York has adopted a rule for evaluating virtual currencies,

According to statements by the head of the regulatory body, Linda Harris. This measure aims to increase transparency and security in digital currency transactions and encourage the shift to this type of currency. The New York Department of Financial Services aims to increase control and...

Digital Currency – Election Measures in Thailand Keep Up with the Financial Revolution

The opposition party in Thailand has announced a new financial promise in the upcoming general elections in May, where the party leader pledged to launch "digital currencies" worth $300 for every Thai citizen if his party wins the elections. This digital currency aims to...